
  • CanJam SoCal 2022

    Dear Friends, We’re excited to meet you at The Source AV's CanJam booth on September 17th and 18th!
  • Continue working

    We have evacuated our stuff, a little stock of RebelAmps, and found a new headquarter for a workshop. Moving in next week and continue assembly.
  • War in Ukraine

    That is why no stock is available, and shipments aren't possible. If you have any warranty issues please contact us: info(at) We will tr...
  • Price change

    Dear friends, Big changes have happened in global economy in last two years. Some electronic components rose in price up to 300%.Certain companies ...
  • Slow but steady

    Here are some future RebelAmps in the form of PCBs. The manufacturing process is not easy. But we are pushing it.
  • RebelAmp Back in Black Edition

    Dear Friends, We now have a limited stock of RebelAmps Class A amplifier in classic black color. Regards, Rebel Audio Crew
  • RebelAmp class A headphone amp is up and running

    Dear friends, RebelAmp is NOT obsolete. We are up and running. This is a small portion of PCBs ready to be installed. Unfortunately not all subcon...
  • 1 year RebelAmp habitat

  • Anti-coronavirus measures

    Hello Dear Friends, We are overwhelmed by the massive interest in our product, but that current situation around the SARS-CoV-2 virus is making it ...